Behind The Scene

shafay thobaniDr Shah Thobani (Father)
President & Chief Executive - Thobson Group of Companies

As President and CEO, Dr. Shah Thobani has responsibility for the day-to-day management of both companies and all management and operations of the company's portfolio of managed and owned properties throughout Pakistan, U.S. , India, Canada and UAE.

shafay thobaniMr. Faisal Durrani (Teacher)
Microsoft Certified Trainer - Trainer for Microsoft Official Curriculum

Mr Faisal Durrani is the most experience resource of Pakistan's industry. He has been involved in delivering Corporate Trainings to Enterprise Group for Microsoft System Center Family, Windows 2008 R2, AD, Design, Infrastructure & Deployment for Banking Sector and Corporate cilent throuout the region.

shafay thobaniMr Shehzad Thobani
Course Co-ordinator - MOC Customization

Mr Shehzad has been supervising the team on how to deliver and when to deliver the contents and what examples to use and what not. Infact he has been the key person for customizing the complete MOC - Microsoft Official Curriculum upside down and was randomly picking up the lessons to match Shafay's grasping skills to ensure that things are delivered in a chronological order.

shafay thobaniMr Aamir Chaghani
Lab Instructor

Aamir Chagnani being the senior resource at Thobson has a strong background of setting up Labs and troubleshooting networking issue and has been very instrumental in assisting and timely providing resources during the whole 13 months of project time.

shafay thobaniMr Asif Hussain
Co-ordinator - Online Resources

Mr Asif Hussain is the key person for provisioning of all online resources and providing proof of concept for the lectures and classes. He has been closely associated with Mr Faisal Durrani for making sure that we follow the time lines in a very organized manner.

shafay thobaniMr Hetish Kumar
Instructor - Hardware & Networking Concepts

Delivering the basic concepts form Networking topologies to bounded and unbounded media to practically demontrating the components and hardware, from assembling to dismentaling was a big challenge which Mr Hitesh Kumar has done very professonally.

shafay thobaniMr Raheel Shaukat
Co-ordinator - Tests and Reviews

Making sure that the concepts are properly delivered and testing Shafay for the same by giving practical tasks and helping him review the concepts followed by practical demonstraton was all handled by Mr Raheel Shaukat.
